Monday, February 13, 2012

Common Core Activity

I really enjoyed the activity on the new Common Core Standards. The activity highlighted the connections that the cummulative process has on education as a whole. Each year really builds on the other. There will be a lot of prior knowledge acquistion with this new process! Year after year students will be called to go more into depth and detail. I see a real need to pull out the old interdisciplinary units
that we used to do. I really enjoyed the Native American units, rain forest units, and civil war units that my school used to do. Students can really make the connections between disciplines throught units like this which increases retention of the material. There are so many non-fiction books that can be used with interdisciplinary units.

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful that interdisciplinary literacy will be encouraged by the CCGPS. I have found it very motivating for students, particularly in middle school.
